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Errors + Troubleshooting

MetriCal logs various error codes during operation or upon exiting. This page catalogs them, along with descriptions (🔍) and troubleshooting (🔧) steps.

Error Codes in Logs

During operation, error codes may be printed to the log (stderr) as informational warnings or as errors that caused MetriCal to fail and exit.


Licensing-specific error codes and troubleshooting tips are listed below.


🔍 Verifying the license online failed. MetriCal couldn't verify the signature or decode the contents of the licensing server's response.

🔧 Ensure no network proxy is modifying HTTP content or headers.


🔍 Verifying the local license-cache file failed. MetriCal couldn't verify the signature or decode the contents of the local license-cache file.

🔧 Ensure a valid license-cache file exists and has not been edited or corrupted. See the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing.


🔍 License is in an invalid state. The provided license is either suspended/banned (e.g. subscription expired/lapsed) or was not found (e.g. was revoked or typoed).

🔧 Contact us at for help.


🔍 The local license-cache file could not be read from disk.

🔧 Ensure a license-cache file exists and is readable. See the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing.


🔍 The local license-cache file could not be parsed.

🔧 Ensure a valid license-cache file exists and has not been edited or corrupted. See the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing.


🔍 No default application config path could be found in order to locate or write the license-cache file. This is likely an issue with Docker configuration causing the HOME environment variable to be unset inside the container.

🔧 Please review and follow the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing. If the issue persists, contact


🔍 The local license-cache file could not be written to disk. Offline operation is not possible without a license-cache file.

🔧 Ensure that the metrical-license-cache volume is being successfully mounted into the Docker container. Please review and follow the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing. If the issue persists, contact


🔍 The local license-cache file could not be serialized to disk. Offline operation is not possible without a license-cache file.

🔧 Please contact us at support@tangramvision.


🔍 The local license-cache file is expired.

🔧 Run MetriCal with internet access to refresh the license. You must run a mode/sub-command (other than help) in order to refresh the license.


🔍 Checking the license online failed. This error code encompasses a variety of possible errors including: DNS issues, no network connection, network request timeout, licensing server errors or downtime, or network proxies editing network packet contents or headers.

🔧 Please check your network connection — ensure that the internet is reachable, DNS resolves successfully, and no network proxies are active that modify traffic. Check the licensing service is up at To ensure future resilience to network-related issues, follow the licensing setup instructions to enable offline licensing. If the issue persists, contact


🔍 The provided license key does not match the key in the license-cache file.

🔧 If you maintain different license-cache files (e.g. for different users), ensure you're using the license-cache file that matches the provided license key. Otherwise, delete your license-cache file and try again with an active internet connection to regenerate the license-cache file.


🔍 No item named "license" found in TOML config file.

🔧 Please ensure there is a top-level key named "license" in the TOML config file. Please reference the licensing setup instructions for an example of how the TOML config file should look.


🔍 License key found in TOML config file is malformed (i.e. it is not a string or it has a length of zero).

🔧 Ensure the license key in the TOML config file is a non-empty string. Please reference the licensing setup instructions for an example of how the TOML config file should look.


🔍 Failed to read TOML config file.

🔧 Ensure the file exists and is readable, or provide the license key via an alternative source (CLI argument, environment variable).


🔍 No license key was found from any source.

🔧 Provide a license key via CLI argument, environment variable, or config file. Please reference the licensing setup instructions for examples of how to use a license key with MetriCal.


🔍 No default application config path could be found in order to locate the TOML config file. This is likely an issue with Docker configuration causing the HOME environment variable to be unset inside the container.

🔧 Please see the licensing setup instructions for an example of docker commands and options to use. If the issue persists, contact


🔍 The TOML config file is malformed.

🔧 Ensure the config file is valid TOML. Please reference the licensing setup instructions for an example of how the TOML config file should look.

MetriCal Exit Codes

When exiting, MetriCal will print the exit code and return it from the process. The table below lists the exit codes and a description of what each code means.

Exit CodeDescription
1Failed to find the file, or read the contents of the file
2The provided path could not be opened or was not a valid plex
3The provided path could not be opened or was not a valid MetriCal results JSON
4The provided path could not be opened or was not a valid object-space
5Pipeline is malformed
6The provided license key could not be validated
7Invalid Key:Value pair provided
8Invalid list provided
9Could not parse shell type from string
10There is no component with the specified UUID or name
11The topic-to-component mappings contain duplicates or super/sub-sets
12The provided model does not match anything known to MetriCal
13The origin and secondary components describe the same component
14There is no existing spatial constraint between these two cameras
15The dominant and secondary eyes in this stereo pair describe the same component
16The specified component is not a camera, so MetriCal can't produce LUTs
17Could not print interactive prompt to console
18User canceled calibration at interactive prompt
19Failed to initialize rendering
20The program failed to mmap the file due to some error on the system
21The dataset is not a valid folder, ROS1 bag, or MCAP dataset
22The ROSbag provided does not have records or is otherwise malformed
23MCAP was malformed
24Failed to read any component folders with data
25Failed to interpret filename as timestamp
26Image resolution inconsistent with the rest of the stream
27Could not create the detectors as described in this calibration run
28Could not create the feature map for an object space
29There were no usable observations in this dataset
30All usable data was filtered out before calibration could take place
31No features were detected from any specified object space
32Could not derive initial estimates at the start of calibration
33Failed to run calibration to completion
34Failed to interpret the calibration solution
35Failed to serialize / write output to file
36Failed to convert Plex to URDF
37An invalid basis was provided
38None of the requested topics were found in this dataset
39The cached detections read in for this dataset did not match the component UUIDs in this plex
40A license key was not provided