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Version: 7.0

Paired 3D Point Error Metrics


Paired 3D point error metrics contain the following fields:

fromUUIDThe "from" component that these point misalignments were computed in reference to.
toUUIDThe "to" component tha these point misalignments were computed in reference to.
from_pointsAn array of arrays of 3 floatsA collection of the XYZ coordinates of points in the "from" coordinate frame being matched against the to_points.
to_pointsAn array of arrays of 3 floatsA collection of the XYZ coordinates of points in the "to" coordinate frame being matched against the from_points.
misalignmentsAn array of arrays of 3 floatsThe transformed distance misalignment (spilt up according to the Cartesian / XYZ axes) between the to and from points.
rmseFloatThe root-mean-square-error of all the misalignments.


Coming soon!

We're still building out the best visualizations and interpertations of these metrics. Check back later for more information on how to analyze this data.